A Message from CSEA President Mary E. Sullivan
CSEA has a long history of providing job skills education and training opportunities that promote career advancement and job security.
The CSEA WORK Institute e-Learning Center takes our career resources and services and brings them to you online.
Use the valuable training material found here to help you achieve your personal career goals!
Tweets by @workinst
CSEA WORK Institute e-Learning Center is a professional development resource center made up of Online Courses and an Online Store. The education and training resources available at the learning center are designed to help CSEA members meet their career development needs. Make sure to follow us on Twitter to receive the latest updates!
Looking for our members-only test prep workshops?
Online Store
About Our Online Store
Our online store sells civil service test preparation booklets and workshops.
Our civil service test preparation booklets are designed to help test-takers practice for New York State, county, city, and school district examinations with sample questions similar to those one might see on actual tests for New York State or local government jobs. Our booklets provide sample questions and detailed answers, and many booklets also have diagnostic sections or lesson bullet points to help guide your study and improve your scores.
Our 6-hour hands-on members-only civil service test prep workshops typically take place on Saturdays or on two consecutive weekday evenings. They are designed to help test-takers in preparing for state, county, city, and school district civil service examinations in New York.
Available Products
Online Courses
About Our Online Courses
Our online courses provide test-takers practice for New York State, county, city, and school district civil service examinations with quizzes and sample questions similar to those one might see on actual tests for New York State or local government jobs. These interactive online courses allow access to training 24 hours a day from any computer.
Available Online Courses
- General Test Taking Tips and Strategies
- Verbal Analysis / Evaluating Conclusions in Light of Known Facts
- Understanding and Interpreting Written Material
- Preparing Written Material
- Office Record Keeping
- Supervision
- Office Practices
- Alphabetizing/Name and Number Checking (covers Filing and Clerical Operations)
- Arithmetic Reasoning (covers Arithmetic Computation)
- Coding and Decoding Information
- Keeping Simple Inventory Records
- Reading
- Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation
- Keyboarding Practices
- Spelling
- Educating and Interacting with the Public
- Scheduling
- Tabular Reasoning and Quantitative Analysis (Understanding and Interpreting Tabular Material)
- Accounting Basics
- Higher Level Custodial
Popular New York State, County, and City Job Links
If you're looking for help in finding civil service examination announcements for government positions in New York State or postings for open government jobs you can apply for and be hired for provisionally without first taking a civil service test, you can view our complete list here.
You can find the full list of our Government Exam and Job Posting Links here.